29th January 2020
Our Edinburgh Plant Science (EPS) network relaunch meeting was held on Wednesday 29th January at the King’s Buildings campus of Edinburgh University. The meeting saw a packed room with over 60 attendees and a productive agenda with a wide variety of talks from representative from partner institutes. The meeting was a great start to identify shared areas of interest/potential collaborations between young researchers, principal investigators (PIs) and industry representatives. Some speakers even reached out to the audience for potential collaborators to apply for a grant.
We have also received a good response from old and new early career researchers (ECRs; including PDRAs, RAs and PhD students) who signed up to our network. Recently, we have established an EPS ECR committee that will organize our future annual meeting as well as public outreach events, career workshops and seminars. Due to the Covid-19 outbreak, the ECR committee is currently planning webinars to keep the network brewing and the knowledge circulating. Watch this space!